More Options for Providing Feedback

As the organisation continues to grow, we want to make sure that we address any concerns, complaints, suggestions or compliments. We welcome and encourage your input. There are several ways for you to share your feedback.

Feedback Boxes
Now installed at the Bella Vista office and each of Interaction’s accommodation sites,  our feedback boxes have notepads attached so you can write down your feedback and simply drop it in the box. If you prefer to access the form online, there is a QR code attached (and seen to the right here). Scan the code, type in your feedback and hit submit.  For both the paper and online option, you have the option to leave your name and  contact details if you’d like to be contacted about your feedback.

Scan the QR code | Feedback

Online Feedback
If you can’t get to one of the feedback boxes to scan the QR code, you can simply click on the following link to provide anonymous feedback –> . As per the feedback boxes, you have the option to leave your name and contact details if you’d like to be contacted about your feedback. 

Site visits
There are some great things happening across the organisation and we would like to hear from participants and families firsthand. The Executive Leadership Team and Senior Leadership Team have commenced visiting accommodation sites to speak with staff and participants about their experiences with Interaction as well as ensuring Interaction is meeting its quality and safeguarding requirements. We look forward to visiting you soon. 

Employee of the Month and Goal Kicker of the Month.
Did you know you can nominate an Employee of the Month or Goal Kicker of the Month? This is a great way to recognise staff and participants for their hard work and achievements. To nominate, click on the survey link and enter the name of the person you’re nominating, and the reason for your nomination. Make sure you leave your own details so we can thank you! 

If something needs attention, we want to know about it so we can ensure that Interaction is always offering the best services and supports possible.  

We look forward to hearing your feedback.  

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