Disability Royal Commission Update

With an ongoing commitment to empowering our participants in every aspect of their lives, Interaction is in support of any development in the disability sector that will allow people to access necessary supports with the utmost confidence, security and trust.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability has been directed to investigate such incidents in all settings and contexts. With some very alarming statistics highlighted in the first public hearing, this Royal Commission is essential in safeguarding those who are vulnerable, and ensuring that all disability service providers are scrupulous in the level of care being provided at all times – no exceptions.

With the second public hearing only days away, Interaction is taking the opportunity to remind our participants, families, carers and staff that if you have any concerns, our door is always open.

Our complaint form can be accessed here, with an easy-read policy to assist if needed. As always, you can contact us anytime on 1300 668 123, or info@interactionservices.org

For participants and families, our carers and support staff are always more than happy to hear any concerns. If you need help providing feedback, you can ask any of our staff to help, or contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to get advice on 1800 035 544 (TTY 133 677) or visit their website on www.ndiscommission.gov.au.

We take all feedback seriously – positive or negative – and ensure that your right to confidentiality and a timely resolution is respected.

The Australian Government is providing free advocacy support services for people with disability. Advocates can provide advice, act on your behalf to access supports and help protect your rights. You can learn more by visiting their website here, or email disabilityadvocacy@dss.gov.au.

If you would like to watch the second public hearing, held from 2nd to 6th December, but aren’t able to make it in person, you will be able to view it online here.

We will continue to bring you updates on how things unfold over the coming months.