COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

You have likely heard in the news that the vaccine rollout will be starting soon, with disability group homes and support staff included in the first group of recipients, phase 1a. Though we don’t have all the information just yet, we would like to update you with what we know so far.

Who will receive the first doses of the vaccine?
NSW Health recently requested the addresses of all our residential houses that support 2 or more participants in preparation for the vaccine rollout. As phase 1a also includes disability care staff, the intention will be to offer the vaccination to all staff and residents of the identified accommodation properties.

Phase 1b will include younger adults with an underlying medical condition, including those with a disability, as well as other health care workers. Eligibility in this phase will include participants and staff from Interaction’s other service areas.

When will the first vaccinations happen?
At this time there has not been any confirmation of dates. However, based on NDIS advice, we have started taking steps to prepare for a possible site visit to each listed property in the near future.

How will the process be managed by Interaction?
We are working closely with each of our House Managers to ensure that the first phase of the rollout is as smooth as possible for both participants and staff. This includes ensuring participants (or their person responsible) understand their choice around consenting to the vaccine, and whether any supports are required at the time of vaccination.

Please be assured that the vaccinations will be carried out by medical professionals, with all usual vaccination precautions taken. The current advice is that there is no requirement for participants or staff to obtain a medical clearance prior to having the vaccine, though the usual precautions and exemptions will apply. You should discuss any potential medical complications with your doctor.

Is the vaccine mandatory?
At this stage the initial vaccine rollout is not mandatory. Should a participant or their family/carer refuse to accept any staff member who has not been vaccinated, Interaction will manage this in the same way a complaint would be handled. This same approach will apply to any situation in a house where a participant refuses to be vaccinated.

Additional Information
We have collated some information you may find useful:

Easy read fact sheets for participants
What to expect on vaccination day
Vaccination consent form

You can access further details of the vaccine rollout by visiting the Department of Health’s website here –

We understand that there is a lot of information to take in, and can be quite confusing trying to keep on top of updates. As we learn more about the process we will keep you informed. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling 1300 668 123 or email